Statistics: All clients on 31 December 2021
NAS clients on 31 December 2021
As of 31 December 2021, the National Assistance System for Victims of Human Trafficking (NAS) had a total of 1,132 clients. Of these, 880 were assessed as potential victims of human trafficking. The number of clients also include the 252 children of the 880 clients. The age, gender or any other personal details of the children are not recorded in the statistics.
The clients receive assistance either directly from the NAS or the reception services or the social welfare and healthcare services of their home municipality.
All clients 31 December 2021 (1,132 in total: 880+252)

Figure 18. The total number of clients includes NAS clients’ children under the age of 18. Thus the total number of clients includes 880 adult clients plus their 252 children. Of the current clients, 79 were admitted to the NAS as minors and 24 were still under the age of 18 on 31 December 2021. (n=1132)
All clients (880): gender distribution

Figure 19. Sixty percent of the clients were women and girls. (n=880)More than 40 percent of the 880 clients were victims of human trafficking associated with forced labour. The next most common purpose of exploitation was sexual exploitation or forced marriage. The number of clients exploited for criminal activities was 17 and the number of child soldiers was 11. There were three victims of trafficking in human organs and tissue or of trafficking for the purpose of benefit fraud. Three customers served as witnesses in a pre-trial investigation or court hearing in a human trafficking case. Two victims had been exploited for begging.
All clients: purpose of exploitation

Figure 20. All NAS clients on 31 December 2021 by purpose of exploitation (n=880).
All clients: top nationalities

Figure 21. The NAS clients represent 63 different nationalities. The figure shows nationalities with five or more representatives among NAS clients. In addition, there are five clients of unknown nationality. The top five nationalities among the NAS clients are Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Finland. (n=880)