New clients 1.1. – 30.6.2022
139 presumed victims of human trafficking were admitted in the National Assistance System for Victims of Human Trafficking (NAS) in the first half of 2022. 26 children in the care of these new clients were also admitted in the NAS, as they were also in need of assistance. The NAS does not collect further information about its clients’ children. With the exception of graph 3., the statistics below refer to the 139 new clients only.
Graph 3. New clients Jan 1st – June 30th 2022 (139 + 26)

Graph 4. New clients according to age and gender (139)

Graph 5. New clients according to age groups (139)

Graph 6. New clients by form of exploitation (139)

Graph 7. New clients by form and place of exploitation (139)

Graph 8. New clients by residence status (139)
New clients represented 29 different nationalities. The graph shows nationalities represented by five or more persons. Smaller groups are not displayed in order to protect the identity of our clients.