European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI)
HEUNI, the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control affiliated with the United Nations, was established in 1981 through an agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Finland. HEUNI is an independent unit under the Finnish Ministry of Justice. HEUNI is also a member of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network.

HEUNI organises seminars and expert meetings, conducts research and produces publications. The goal of the institute is to produce evidence-based data to support rational criminal policy. HEUNI has studied human trafficking and its different forms for over ten years. In recent years, HEUNI has also developed a range of methods and tools for preventing trafficking.
HEUNI cooperates with a large number of Finnish and international partners, including public authorities, local-level actors and NGOs. When it comes to human trafficking, HEUNI cooperates actively with different actors by participating in seminars, giving lectures, providing training on human trafficking issues and by being a member of the national anti-trafficking network and the Finnish Civil Society Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings. In recent years, HEUNI has conducted pragmatic research on trafficking for forced labour, on the assistance provided for victims of human trafficking and on the connections between trafficking and sham marriages. In addition, HEUNI cooperates with companies and other actors to prevent exploitation and human trafficking in business and in subcontracting chains.
HEUNI publications on human trafficking
All studies and guides published by HEUNI in the field of human trafficking are listed on the HEUNI website.