The NAS in charge of Regional Anti-Trafficking Networks
Years ago, regional networks were founded to ease the anti-trafficking work. Previously the networks were under the responsibility of Victim Support Finland, or Pro-Tukipiste, but as of the beginning of the year 2024, the NAS has been in charge of these networks. Any person whose work is related to or involves human trafficking or its victims, may participate in the network. These regional networks against human trafficking are called IKV networks.

The aim is to continue regional work against human trafficking. An open and easy-to-access network gives a chance to identify the phenomenon and work together against it. The participants have found it useful to meet others working with similar issues and share current regional news. In Finland, the NAS is expert authority in the work against human trafficking. It has duties based on law, including providing advice and guidance. The objective is to strengthen stakeholder cooperation and raise topics concerning human trafficking and exploitation in public discussion regionally, and both strengthen and support regional expertise.
Regional networks
There are currently six active networks: Southern Carelia (Lappeenranta), Ostrobothia (Vaasa), Northern Savonia (Kuopio), Turku, Oulu and Tampere regional netwroks. The participants represent, among others, Integration services, reception centres, the police, Finnish Border Guard, Regional State Administrative Agencies, wellbeing service counties, Victim Support Finland, Pro-Tukipiste and many other organizations. There may also be regionally operating solicitors who focus on anti-trafficking, representatives from trade unions, youth workers or church employees. The joint objectives are to prevent human trafficking and exploitation of those in a vulnerable position, improve identifying exploitation, and assisting any victims of exploitation. All regions support regional networking, as it raises awareness and improves victim identification. Networking is a functional channel, and it gives many opportunities to arrange regional training.