All clients in the Assistance System for Victims of Human Trafficking on 31.12.2022

On the last day of 2022, the Assistance System for Victims of Human Trafficking had 1,314 clients. Of all the clients, 1051 had been admitted to the Assistance System because they may have fallen victim to human trafficking or because they are providing assistance in the investigation or court proceedings of criminal activity related to human trafficking. The majority of the clients are women.

Of the current clients, 94 were admitted to the Assistance System when they were underaged, and 29 were still underaged on 31 December 2023. 

263 people were accepted as clients because they are underaged children and dependents of these 1051 clients and they needed support and help due to their guardian’s experiences with human trafficking. The 263 children of victims of human trafficking are only included in the statistical graph 15 (below). The Assistance System does not collect any other types of statistical data on the children. 

Figure 15. All clients of the Assistance System and their children (1,314 people)
Figure 16. All clients of the Assistance System according to gender (1, 051 people)

More than 40% of the clients were victimised by human trafficking related to forced labour. The second most common purpose of exploitation was sexual exploitation and forced marriage. There were 23 clients exploited in criminal activity and 10 used as child soldiers. The share of the other forms of human trafficking is smaller.

Figure 17. All clients of the Assistance System, classified according to the form of human trafficking (1, 1051 people)

The difference between Finland and its neighbouring countries and other EU Member States is that Finland sees more human trafficking related to forced labour than sexual exploitation. (n = 1,051)

The clients of the Assistance System represent 75 nationalities. There are also nine clients whose nationality is unknown or who are not citizens of any country. The most common nationalities are Iraqi, Somali, Afghan, Nigerian, Finnish and Thai. 

Figure 18. All clients of the Assistance System according to nationality
The clients of the Assistance System represent a total of 75 nationalities. This graph shows the nationalities represented by five or more clients. (n = 1,051)